The weather hasn't been all that bad here in southern Finland so I decided to make good use of it. First we went to check our surroundings with Inna in a leisurely way by cycling along the coastline here in Espoo. It's funny how our surroundings here in Espoo do not look anyhow special when we look out the windows but less than two kilometers away the views are absolutely gorgeous!
The second ride I did alone mostly along a route called "Reitti 2000". It's apparently originally a hiking route that starts in the central park of Helsinki and heads north and east to Vantaa and then to the national park of Nuuksio. The route is 110km long but I skipped the final part that would have taken me back towards Vantaa instead of Espoo so I only cycled 102km that day. It still was more than enough to make my knees feel very, very uncomfortable. I also have to start learning how to fuel myself during longer exercises like this. Bananas and sandwiches do not work anymore!
102 kilometers on a bike isn't necessarily that impressive but the rather slow terrain, my bad fueling and painful knees made it more difficult than it should have been! I've been working on my bike a bit now and hopefully will find a riding position that is better for my knees and neck.