Welcome to uncle Joni's travel stories

03.04.2017  - Snowy hiking in the Carpathians

We just had a nice weekend in the Bucegi mountains with Inna. The Bucegi national park is only about a two-hour drive from Bucharest and offers a nice change with fresh air and solitude. To be able to enjoy that solitude you have to make it out of the parking lot though!

There's a small pack of apparently very hungry dogs roaming around the parking lot that is closest to the famous Babele and Sphinx rocks. The dogs approach anyone and everyone who arrives at the parking lot, get a bit too close for comfort and grab any food or remains of food they can find. This time Inna wasn't being cautious enough and a big male dog grabbed a trash bag off her hand, ripped it open and ate the egg shells that were in it! They surely are hungry!

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Inna heading towards the unknown.

31.03.2017  - Athens trip report

More photos and stories available again! This time from the ancient city of Athens. Go here to find out more.

The economic crisis has left its mark in Greece.

31.03.2017  - Malta trip report

You might have noticed already some days ago that I added a trip report for our trip to Malta. The pictures were there but now there's a short story to support the photos as well. You can check it out here.

A man taking care of his traditional Maltese fishing boat.

27.03.2017  - Another weekend in Bulgaria

This fellow approached us in Pobitite Kamani

We just came back from a kind of road trip in Bulgaria. We wanted to go to hike or mountain bike in Romania but unfortunately the weather didn't look too promising this weekend. Luckily Bulgaria isn't that far away and the weather there wasn't as bad as here in Romania.

We ended up driving way too much in two days for my taste, didn't get to see the Pelicans we wanted to see in Persina Nature Park and managed to have our photo taken by a traffic camera. A good set of failures for one weekend one might say, but at least we got to see the humongous Devetashka cave, Pobitite Kamani stones near Varna and the ancient city of Nessebar by the Black Sea. I also think that the Bulgarian police won't find me in Romania ;).

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25.03.2017  - Twitch stream

This has absolutely nothing to do with travelling but I'll mention it here anyway: I just set up a Twitch stream for streaming my Quakeworld games. You can check it out here. I'll try to stream as often as I play, but it might be a bit difficult at times because we like to speak in Finnish with a friend of mine, which might not be so interesting for most viewers.

My Internet connection hasn't been working very well the last couple of days so this website hasn't been available all the time either. I hope things are in order now, but if the site isn't accessible you at least know the reason :L.

22.03.2017  - A communist adventure

I wrote a short trip report about our visit to the mysterious Buzludzha, the Bulgarian communist headquarter. This place is a real gem!

Can you still recognize them?

22.03.2017  - A weekend in Moldova

Not exactly breaking news as this trip took place already last autumn. Better late than never I guess!

My mother was visiting us in Romania and we drove together to Moldova to visit Inna's parents together. Moldova wasn't at its best in late autumn I think but it was nice to meet Inna's parents anyway.

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The famous monastery of Orhei

20.03.2017  - The programming spree continues

I'm on a roll here! Now the news items are more like blog posts and one can open them up by clicking the title (a new feature as well) / date of the news item. The whole news item isn't necessarily shown on the front page to keep things neatly organized. You can also leave comments to any specific news item by opening it.

Let me know what you think!

17.03.2017  - Programming spree

I had a huge coding marathon today and thanks to that I can now attach images to news posts o/. It's also a lot faster to add photos to any kind of trip report so perhaps I'll create a photo book or two in the nearest future!

19.12.2016  - There's a bug!

There seems to be a problem with the photo book pages and Firefox. Apparently Firefox doesn't fancy big image files very much and fails to load them seemingly randomly. Things appear to work just fine in Chrome and Opera. If you use Firefox and the background image fails to load, a simple page reload (pressing F5) should fix things. This is apparently a bug in Firefox and I couldn't come up with any hack to make it work.

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#1 Milton  (reg.)  -  24.10.2010 03:22
Feel free to comment!
#2 Inna  -  24.10.2010 14:56
Joni has time to write about our Asian trip! And you will be able to read a list of funny/strange things we noticed in Asian countries ;)
#3 Milton  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 00:58
#4 Milton  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 04:34
Everything seems to be working for now...report any bugs here in comments or by email or in IRC (Milton @ quakenet). Thanks.
#5 Julia  (reg.)  -  27.10.2010 16:32
heh, great work! I also appreciate the time you've written your comments ;P
#6 Milton  (reg.)  -  28.10.2010 02:24
I changed the style of the page a bit :L.
#7 Julia  (reg.)  -  16.03.2011 20:57
new sections are really great! thanks for all your work, it's so interesting to read everything =)
#8 Milton  (reg.)  -  16.03.2011 22:15
Thanks for your kind words and of course for reading! It's great to hear that someone is reading it all!
#9 Julia  (reg.)  -  28.03.2011 17:26
Congratulations with ending the Asia report!=) And thaaaank you a lot for an opportunity to edit a comment)) really handy :)
#10 Milton  (reg.)  -  28.03.2011 20:45
Thanks for reading and for reporting bugs Julia! Your ability to notice changes is unbelievable! :)

Let's hope the possibility for editing comments will make people comment more as they don't have to be afraid of mistakes anymore :).
#11 Inna  (reg.)  -  11.04.2011 12:05
Good job, baby! Everything works for me :) I hope no one will complain ;).
#12 Milton  (reg.)  -  11.04.2011 16:48
Thank you! I hope everything will work for everyone else too! I haven't found any more bugs so far :).

Edited by Milton - 11.06.2011 12:25
#13 Julia  (reg.)  -  23.09.2011 20:25
yaaaay! welcome back here ;) hope to read more exciting stories)))
#14 Milton  (reg.)  -  23.12.2012 19:56
Oh, thank you! Sorry for being very, very, very late with the reply :-[. I haven't been here in a while, but I'm back in business now :). At least one new story coming up in the nearish future!

Edited by Milton - 10.01.2013 21:49
#15 Julia  (reg.)  -  28.01.2013 17:58
Wow, sounds really great! Looking forward to read it :)




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